In collaboration with PS-Theatre Leiden, (NL), game designers FourceLabs (NL) and designsutdio 00:00:01s (NL).

BAK-CHAI (drive to Europides) is a party, performance and real life game in one, performed at the end of Festival Key of Life! BAK-CHAI is a fight with consciousness, a dance of manipulations and a fall in an trance. Game and performance make sore noise becomes quietness: they bring us to a fatal end.

Director/Concept Pepijn Smit / Director/Choreography Anouke de Groot / Text Erik Willems / Dramaturgy Erica Smits / Game Karel Millenaar (Fourcelabs) / Design Thorsten Alofs, Jochem Hees, Sebastian Kox (00:00:01s) / Performance Tijs Huys, Marc Stoffels, Evelyne Verhellen / Lightdesign and technical coordination José van Beek, Martijn Smolders /
Costumes Roos Smith, Monica Cannella /
DJ Marc de Vreede

Festival Key Of Life, Leiden, 2010

Photo Gallery