Geloof in de Stad

Startup for a social-artistic project at Victoria Deluxe, Ghent. Small presentation.

In 'Geloof in de stad', eleven young actors bring an ode to the inventiveness of young people these days in how they make use of different believe'systems' to construct their own identity. The different layers of your identity clash, collaborate or are hardly coherent. We tinker ourselves an identity up.

We are encouraged to believe in ourselves and the others, but slowly reality kicks in. We realise some amongst us do not get the chance to connect with certain knowledge-based or believe systems.

With and from Steffen, Yvette, Emma, Nabil, Diego, Bilal, Sammy, Mohammed, Hilair, Aminata, Abou Dar / Music (coaches: Karen Willems en Rudi Genbrugge) Theater (coaches: Dominique Willaert en Matthias Velle) Interns Evelyne Verhellen, Nina Claes, Cynthia Ballasina

